Foi divulgado pelos meios de comunicação social que os militares de Telavive têm espalhado milhares de panfletos sobre a população da Faixa de Gaza.
Companheiros israelitas divulgaram agora um exemplar dos mesmos e a respectiva tradução do árabe para inglês. Vale a pena transcrevê-la:
To the Residents of Gaza Strip
you Hold responsibility of your fate
If you are willing to assist and help your families and brothers in Gaza strip. All you have to do is call at the number below to inform us about the location of rocket launching sites and the terrorist gangs that made you hostages of their actions.
To Stop the Crimes is now between your hands
you can call at this no.
02-5839749 or at this email helpgaza2008@gmail.com
Isto gerou já um movimento para entupir a referida caixa de correio electrónica com denúncias de centros terroristas, curiosamente os QG das forças armadas de Israel e as bases da sua ofensiva sobre Gaza, de que aqui damos um exemplo:
To Whom It May Concern,
I received your flyer requesting the locations of rocket launching sites and terrorist gangs. I have discovered several sites that should be of great interest to you. From these locations rockets that have killed hundreds of civilians have been launched, stored, or plans to use such rockets have been undertaken.
In your noble effort to root out terrorist gangs, I urge you to investigate the following locations:
--GOC Army headquarters in Camp Bar Lev, between Ashkelon and Qiryat Mal'akhi (GOC Army Headquarters)
--The Sedot Mikha Jericho IRBM base, near the town of Zekharyah, east of Ashkelon and south east of Tel Nof AB, and south of the Sorek River between Kiriat-Gat and Beit-Shemesh.
--The Sedot Mikha [Sdot Micha] base, located 45 km south of Tel-Aviv
-- The Haifa naval base and its Missile Boats Flotilla, located about 90 kilometres (56 mi) north of Tel Aviv
--The Air Force Headquarters located in central Tel Aviv
I urge you to take immediate action at these sites, stopping their terror tactics, preventing the launching of further rockets, and saving countless civilian lives.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
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