Proposed Route - 16 days of Solidarity
14/2/09 1 Westminster to Dover
14/2/09 1 Dover to Calais (France)
14/2/09 1 Calais to Paris
15/2/09 2 Paris to Bordeaux
15/2/09 2 Bordeaux to San Sebastian (Spain)
16/2/09 3 San Sebastian to Madrid
17/2/09 4 Madrid to Algeciras
18/2/09 5 Algeciras to Tangier (Morocco)
18/2/09 5 Tangier to Rabat
19/2/09 6 Rabat to Fez
19/2/09 6 Fez to Oujda
20/2/09 7 Oujda to Maghnia (Algerian border)
20/2/09 7 Maghnia to Ain Temouchant
20/2/09 7 Ain Temouchant to Oran
20/2/09 7 Oran to Mostaganem
20/2/09 7 Mostaganem to Chlef
21/2/09 8 Chlef to Algiers
21/2/09 8 Algiers to Annaba
22/2/09 9 Annaba to Tunis
23/2/09 10 Tunis to Sfax
23/2/09 10 Sfax Gabas
23/2/09 10 Gabas to Ras Jdeir (Libyan border)
23/2/09 10 Ras to Jdeir Tripoli
24/2/09 11 Tripoli to Misrata
25/2/09 12 Misrata to Marble Arch (Al Qaws)
25/2/09 12 Al Qaws to Benghazi
26/2/09 13 Benghazi to Amsa'ad (Egyptian border)(coastal road)
27/2/09 14 Amsa'ad to Alexandria
28/2/09 15 Alexandria to Cairo
1/3/09 16 Cairo to Ismailia
1/3/09 16 Ismailia to Al Arish
1/3/09 16 Al Arish to Rafah
Lifeline To Gaza – Convoy Update
The convoy has now 32 vehicles booked on. This includes 1 Fire Engine, 6 Ambulances and 1 Boat all heading for Gaza. We expect this though to rise in the next 48 hours as we are still collating information on the remaining vehicles.
The response has been overwhelming. The Moroccan community in West London are taking 6 vehicles, Birmingham is bringing 8 trucks. An individual in from Maidenhead has used his savings to buy a minibus for disabled children to give to the people of Gaza. Your response has been truly humbling.
George Galloway has been touring the country addressing meetings in support of the convoy. Hundreds turned out in Rochdale on Sunday 25th January and thousands of pounds were pledged. The next day 1000 attended a meeting in Bolton followed by 600 in Cheetham Hill three hours later. 400 came to a meeting this evening (1st February) in Preston.
Videos of some of these meetings can be viewed at the website at http://www.vivapalestina.org/video.htm
Lauren Booth to join convoy
Tony Blair's sister in law and Press TV broadcaster Lauren Booth will be joining the convoy. Lauren said, "I am thrilled by this idea to send a convoy of trucks and aid to Gaza. I believe that this will give the convoy a good deal of publicity. I will make sure of it!
"I would love to come to the Rafah crossing and help as best I can to get the media involved, and keep them interested, and to tear down the Rafah crossing brick by brick!"
Bank Account
Lloyds-TSB Bank rejected our request for a bank account so we are hoping to have confirmed an account with another bank in the next 48 hours. We will send out a message as soon as this happens.
Please keep collecting money. Every penny counts.
Message from Gaza
We have been in contact with Majid from Gaza. This is what he has to say about the situation there and the one of the many reasons we are going.
"All Gaza strip lived under fire for three weeks from the east to west and from the north to south. There is no place in Gaza for safety, the shooting and bombing coming from the land , from the sea, from the sky for 24 hours. The children became experts to tell you this bombing is coming from the sea or land or sky from the sound of the bombing.
"The bombing dropping in any place and from any side and in any time, there was a feeling that in any minutes you will die or your home will destroy or the the rocket will landing in your home to kill you or your family or your friend or any person.
"I am trying to express or mention what we have lived in three weeks of the war in Gaza.
Majid Khayal, Gaza-Palestine
Notice of Meeting for all those joining the convoy to Gaza
Wednesday 4th February 2009 at 6.30pm
George Galloway MP would like to ask all those people who are joining the convoy to Gaza to come to a meeting to discuss the journey from London to Gaza, giving you the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have.
This will also be a good opportunity for all those undertaking the journey to meet each other before the 14th February.
We do understand that some of you do not live in London. However, we do feel that this is important meeting, so if you would like accommodation for the evening of the 4th of February please contact me on ghada_razuki@hotmail.couk or call or text on 07958 450 867.
Please note that this meeting is exclusively for those joining the convoy.
The details of the meeting are as follows:
The meeting is booked from 6:30pm on Wednesday February 4th 2009 in the Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House.
Please see the map here
The entrance to Portcullis House is located at point (3).
Please go through the central revolving doors, and pass through security.
Then please go up the public stairs by the reception desk to the first floor. The Boothroyd Room is immediately opposite you, directly above the ground floor reception area.
Email alerts
Please tell your friends and family about the Viva Palestina Convoy and ask them to sign up to the email alerts at http://www.vivapalestina.org/alert.htm
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