terça-feira, setembro 06, 2005


Via Dias Estranhos, cheguei a este interessante artigo, publicado no Scientific American, que em Outubro de 2001 já previa o desastre que agora aconteceu em NO. Apesar de haver uns quantos fundamentalistas (muçulmanos e cristãos) que defendem a tese do castigo divino, a razão do desastre está muito provavelmente relacionada com a degradação crescente das dinâmicas naturais do Mississipi e do lago de Pontchartrain (degradação causada pelo homem, não por qualquer intervenção divina).

A direct hit is inevitable. Large hurricanes come close every year. In 1965 Hurricane Betsy put parts of the city under eight feet of water. In 1992 monstrous Hurricane Andrew missed the city by only 100 miles. In 1998 Hurricane Georges veered east at the last moment but still caused billions of dollars of damage. At fault are natural processes that have been artificially accelerated by human tinkering--levying rivers, draining wetlands, dredging channels and cutting canals through marshes. Ironically, scientists and engineers say the only hope is more manipulation, although they don't necessarily agree on which proposed projects to pursue. Without intervention, experts at L.S.U. warn, the protective delta will be gone by 2090. The sunken city would sit directly on the sea--at best a troubled Venice, at worst a modern-day Atlantis. Mark Fischetti

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