quinta-feira, novembro 20, 2003

Marcha virtual

Paralela à marcha contra a presença de Bush em Inglaterra, haverá uma marcha virtual, para todos os que não poderem estar presentes em Londres. A proposta vem daqui www.ourworldoursay.org, e consiste numa marcha virtual, a ser concretizada através de um e-mail (presslon@pd.state.gov ou odclondon@state.gov), um telefonema ([+44] 020-7499-9000 ou [+44] 020-7894-0737), um fax ( [+44] 020-7491-2485, [+44] 020-7894-0699, [+44] 020-7629-8288 or [+44] 020-7514-4634 ), uma carta ou o que quiserem dirigida à Embaixada dos EUA em Londres, que poderá dizer o seguinte:

President George W. Bush
c/o The US Embassy

Dear Mr. President

You could be mistaken for believing that you are welcome here. But if you care to look out of the window for a moment, towards the angry protesters gathered all around, you will quickly realise the truth: Tony Blair does not speak for millions of British people like me.

Those of us protesting are not extremists. We are managers, builders, artists and stockbrokers - people from every walk of life who have one thing in common.

We are unhappy because we know the truth about you: we know that you cynically manipulated both your nation and ours into fighting a tragic, and dishonest war. This is a war that has cost the lives of thousands, left a country in chaos and fanned flames of hatred that will surely rage for years.

This war was justified on the basis of a whole series of false claims. For instance, you told us that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction that posed a clear and present danger to the west. It will have come as little surprise to you that no such weapons have been found. After all, both Colin Powell and Condolezza Rice stated more than two years before the war that Saddam was no threat, with Rice remarking: 'We are able to keep his arms from him. His militar y forces have not been rebuilt.'

These are just a few examples of the distortions that led us into war. That is why I and many millions of other people are strongly opposed to your visit - and why we will not rest until those in Britain who played a part in involving this country are called to account.

Yours sincerely,
[ponha o seu nome aqui]

A marcha está agendada para hoje, dia 20, entre as 14 e as 18 horas. Faz ouvir a tua voz (ou o teu teclado), para que George Bush e os seus aliados sintam que estão cada vez mais sozinhos!

Junta o teu protesto ao das centenas de milhar de pessoas em Inglaterra!

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